While ReactOS is widely known as the open-source operating system working on maintaining software and driver compatibility with Microsoft Windows, there’s another new one in the field and it’s Free95. The Free95 project is working to become an open-source, Windows-compatible operating system. Version 0.2 Alpha of Free95 was released today for testing.
Free95 is not working to re-implement the NT kernel but rather supporting the Win32 API for software to run. Their goal is to remove Windows bloat and security issues while continuing to enjoy Windows programs. Free95 takes a simpler form than ReactOS but it’s also not nearly as far along as the decades in the making ReactOS. Here’s what Free95 currently looks like:
Free95 0.2 Alpha is the newest development milestone from the project with their latest enhancements on the long road ahead. There is a disk image of the Free95 build available for those wanting to test it out in QEMU.
More details for those interested via GitHub.